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今年も新日本プロレス ジュニア最強を決める世界最高峰ジュニアの祭典”ベスト・オブ・ザ・スーパージュニア”の出場選手を発表されました。



新日ジュニア3強の一角を占めるならず者 エル・デスペラードにボーンソルジャー 石森太二。




ここ数年の BOSJは他団体から1人の参戦が通例となってましたが、NOAHからはニンジャ・マックも参戦します。







新日本ですと、SANADAがよくコメントしてと言われましたが(笑) HAYATAは言葉を必要としないレスラーかもしれません。


何せ、”次はオマエや!” ぐらいしか聞いたことないです(笑)

兎に角、HAYATA対ヒロムや、石森、自称偉大な王者 SHOとの対戦が実現したら非常に楽しみです。







The lineup for the annual pinnacle of junior wrestling in the world, the “Best of the Super Juniors” tournament, has been announced by New Japan Pro-Wrestling.


Among the contenders are Hiromu Takahashi, who has achieved the most victories in BOSJ with four titles and three consecutive wins.


Alongside him are the renegade El Desperado and the Bone Soldier Taiji Ishimori, representing the trio of top junior wrestlers in NJPW.


Amidst a roster filled with formidable competitors like the current IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion SHO, all eyes are on HAYATA, the reigning NOAH Junior Champion, whose participation adds immense intrigue to the event.


It has become customary for one wrestler from another organization to participate in recent BOSJ editions, and this year, NOAH is sending both HAYATA and Ninja Mack.


HAYATA is not just a dark horse but a contender capable of vying for the championship. In the years leading up to the reign of Daga as GHC Junior Champion, HAYATA dominated NOAH, and even former Ratel’s comrades like Tadasuke and YO-HEY couldn’t best him.


Additionally, with his respect for the Great Muta, HAYATA exudes an aura of the mysterious and the uncanny.


While wrestlers like SANADA are known for their commentary in New Japan, HAYATA is seemingly a man of few words, famously uttering phrases like “Next is you!”


The matchups between HAYATA and Hiromu, Ishimori, and the self-proclaimed great champion SHO are highly anticipated.


With the block assignments and matchups yet to be announced, excitement for BOSJ is palpable.


We eagerly await to see the unfolding drama of this premier junior wrestling tournament!