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今年のイッテンヨンで、IWGPジュニアシングルの連続防衛新記録更新を宿敵 エル・デスペラードに阻まれました。







これまで数々のジュニアの栄光を掴むも、一度も戴冠していないIWGPジュニアタッグをハポン BUSHIと初戴冠すべくWAR-DOGSと激突。


そして、これは大注目ですが、BULLET CLUBリーダーデビッド・フィンレーとのシングルマッチが決定!



常に話題の中心 ロスインゴ・ベルナブレス・デ・ハポンと高橋ヒロムが、春にドデカい嵐を巻き起こすことに期待です!!


High-flying Hiromu Takahashi seems poised to emerge from his slump with the arrival of spring.


At this year’s Wrestle Kingdom event, he was thwarted in his bid to set a new record for consecutive defenses of the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship by his arch-nemesis, El Desperado.


Subsequently, he suffered his first singles defeat to DOUKI, a rival from Mexico.


In the United States, he faced a crushing defeat at the hands of Mustafa Ali, acknowledged even by Hiromu himself.


Despite claiming to be in a slump so dire that it’s causing his hair to gray (seriously?), Hiromu is finally making moves to break free.


Having grasped numerous junior accolades in the past, he now sets his sights on capturing the IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship alongside BUSHI, as they clash with the WAR-DOGS.


Additionally, a highly anticipated singles match against BULLET CLUB leader David Finlay has been confirmed.


With both competitors aiming for redemption, this bout holds significant importance, especially with the Best of the Super Juniors tournament looming ahead.


It’s intriguing how all these matchups pit juniors against heavyweights, isn’t it? Just before the BOSJ, is New Japan Pro Wrestling testing its junior talent? They may be adversaries, but let’s cheer on all the junior wrestlers!


And I’m sure Hiromu will go all out to crush them because they’re annoying. #njDONTAKU


Expectations are high for Hiromu Takahashi and Los Ingobernables de Japon to stir up a massive storm this spring, as they once again become the center of attention.